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The content you are attempting to access is exclusively for members with an active Hays Accelerator Subscription. 

If you are ready to reactivate your Hays Method Accelerator account please reactivate your account here: 

Be sure to reactivate your subscription with THE SAME EMAIL ADDRESS as your existing account:

If Your Hays Method Accelerator Account Status is NONACTIVE: 

  • Suspended accounts are the result of either your request to terminate your membership or are due to a failed subscription payment. 
  • You do not currently have an active Hays Accelerator Membership. 
  • Your Free Money Site is pending being un-published from our servers and the ownership of the site being reverted to Media Mash DBA The Hays Method pursuant to the terms of your Purchase Agreement 
  • You are not able to access the weekly Accelerator Training
  • Your Money site is currently NOT receiving unique daily content.